The Project

Develop Community Volunteer Program for Santander Bank

Santander Bank wanted to develop a program to deliver financial workshops to low income families. The workshops would help empower people to address a variety of financial challenges including banking, budgeting, credit, identity theft and home ownership. The Bank needed to develop a program that would have maximum impact, but they had a very tight implementation timeline.

The Plan

I worked with a team at Santander to create the workshop program, develop content that would resonate with the audience, launch the initiative and then execute the workshops over a multi-month timeframe. As Santander employee volunteers would be delivering the workshops, I also coached them on the most effective ways to engage the audience and deliver the messages.

The Results

In six months, the program materials were developed, bank associates were trained, and the associates delivered more than 10,000 volunteer hours, well exceeding the Bank’s goals. And many, many more families received valuable information about key financial concepts.